About Kathy

Use this space to introduce yourself to website visitors who might not already know you. Something informal, could even be first person. Something that ties Kathy the photographer into Kathy the yoga instructor into Kathy the artist is general! Because at first glance at your menu, a new visitor might feel confused as to who you are and what the purpose of this website is.

Something that encourages people to browse your site and/or describes your goals (expand yoga opportunities, find buyers and art galleries, mention still available for photo assignments). Right now it comes across as just a place to display a bunch of random work plus a yoga schedule. If you're interested in generating print sales or commissions or individual yoga instruction you should spell it out.

I'm rambling to see what all this text look like


<<<< Not saying you need to use this photo, I just think a photo of you would be nice.


I'm not sure you still need to have the contact info below because you have a Contact Page and it's also listed at the bottom of each page. But maybe it will look less redundant after there's more text on the page.

kathy@kathymorris.net • 607-564-7250 • cell:607-277-5656

(Below demonstrates how you can make images stack like bricks, which lets you leave thumbnails uncropped and looks less awkward when you have more than 4 images but less than 8. However, you can still also crop all the thumbnails to squares or horizontals instead)

Using Format